Well, today was a good day for two reasons!
One, I officially passed my lifeguard training class, so I'm now Red Cross certified in lifeguarding, first aid, CPR and AED. Woot!
The down side to that is I'm sunburnt on my face, despite my best efforts to reapply sunscreen like crazy. I'm also sunburnt on my feet, but that is my own dumb fault for not putting sunscreen on them today. :-p
Two, I hit the gym right after class to test out of my biggest 1st quarter 2010 goal -- the 200# deadlift. I did a standard 7 sets of 1 rep each.
Hollah! I would've taken a video, but I didn't have my iPod with me. :)
So since it's April 1st, it's time to reassess the first quarter goal list, complete a couple more items, and roll the rest into a 2nd quarter goal list, or put them on hold. Will post about all that soon.
And yes, I'm still gonna post about my cert. Sister visiting and lifeguard class have left me with almost 0 blogging time.
Congrats on the LifeGuard cert AND the dead lift - 200 is awesome and I'm so glad that you met your goal. Way to go!