Feb 25, 2010

Resting on Thursday

Today is a rest day, and I really need it! Starting yesterday I was having some wicked delayed-onset muscle soreness in my shoulders -- assuming that was from going up and down the rope on Monday.

Today won't be a complete day off, though -- I'm on the hook to clean the house up for a visit from husband's mom this weekend. We're excited, it's her first time visiting since we moved down here a year ago.

Great quote today from CrossFit KoP:
"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it." - Goethe
Reminded me of another quote that I absolutely love:
"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action." - Frank Tibolt
Yesterday I attempted to roast a spaghetti squash, and even cooked up a big pot of sauce in anticipation of some spaghetti-like goodness.

The spaghetti squash came out on top this time -- even after an hour roasting in the oven, the squash strands ("noodles") were still kinda crunchy. Not exactly what I had in mind, since I am a big fan of overcooked noodles. I'm not really sure if I did it correctly, and I just don't like it, or if I did it incorrectly and that's why it was horrible?

I will be trying the spaghetti squash experiment again, irregardless, because I think for me finding "substitute" foods will go a loooooong way in helping me stay on track and avoid dosing myself with gluten.

Yesterday was also completely gluten-free, but I was still sick this morning... I think I'll need to go another few days without gluten before I see healing in my gut.

I'm anxious to return to the world of healthy BM's, because once I do, I'm going to start taking some supplements.

After listening to the first 6 episodes of the Paleolithic Solution Podcast, put out by Robb Wolf and Andy Deas, I've really become convinced that I need to add their 3 recommended supplements:
  • fish oil (7250mg / day)
  • vitamin D
  • magnesium

I've procured some sources for the above, but I don't want to waste my money by taking them while my gut is still irritated, and my body won't be able to absorb them. So, we wait...

Some recent online purchases:
I have been described as inspiring! Thanks Melli! That is so damn cool! Between this linky love, and my new peep at the gym (Melissa) saying she wants to be like me after rope climb day, I am feeling the freaking love. :-D

And this is an awesome quote about finally mastering the kipping pullup -- "A whole new world of Crossfitting feels like it has opened up to me. It feels like freedom." I know exactly how you feel Catherine!

1 comment:

  1. I have done spaghetti squash, but I did it in the microwave - I cut it in half, removed the seeds, wrapped it in plastic wrap and microwaved it. Can't remember how long, but this method worked great for me, and it was soft. (I like overcooked pasta too - ha!)

    Enjoy your rest day. I've got one more workout before my rest day.
