Feb 18, 2010

Feeling run-down

Ever since the 1/2 marathon, things have just not been right with my body... My diet has been off since then, maybe that is the real culprit for the muscle soreness that I am experiencing the last 2-3 days... Why would I be sore today, when I had a rest day yesterday? Frustrating...

I need to write a post about what I've been experiencing with my eating lately. When I start sabotaging myself, those actions deserve some additional inspection...

That said, I felt like crap, but got out and got my WOD on with my peeps. Got to work out with 2 great chicks this AM, Allie and Melissa. Melissa is new, but she is gonna see some fast progress. Her form is strict and movement is excellent -- I predict massive PRs every time she does the Oly lifts.

We did back squat today: 3-3-3-3-3

I did 100-115-120-120-130.

I whined a lil' and said it felt heavy, but nah. It was totally do-able.

Then we did a metcon, which I was so excited about since last night when I read the WOD on the website.
10 minutes total, continuosly running clock
Alternate between movements, 1 minute each
Score is total reps
 - kettlebell swings (24k/16)
 - burpees
 We only have 3 16k kettlebells, so I did burpees first and then kb swings -- Allie and I shared a bell.

Total reps: 152
Burpees: 19-17-10-9-9
Swings: 19-17-16-16-20

Not as good as I thought I could do... But I'm happy I came out so strong on my burpees, though they went to shit at the end. For the last 2 rounds I was in the middle of my 10th burpee when time was called.

Swings were weak. I think it was my whiny attitude that did me in. I got aggressive and confident on the last minute, and banged out 20. All my scores should have been at least 18.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a wicked workout! Good job! You got way more burpees than I would have in a minute!

    Our coach was talking this morning about how important nutrition is and he believes that 60% of your CF success/strength is directly related to your dietary intake. Wow! Makes you really think about what you're eating.
