Jan 20, 2010

PTP Day 2

With sore legs from my run yesterday (I was running somewhere between an 8:30 and 8:50 per mile pace, fast for me), I took it easy today.

CF Whole9 PTP - Day 2

I did my own warmup, minus the row, and skipped the prescribed Buy-In. Though I did add 10 GHD situps to my final 3 round triplet.

  • Set 1: 115 x 5
  • Set 2: 105 x 5
I felt like my form was better on these on Monday, though I'm not sure in exactly what way? Maybe it was just muscle soreness making me feel off.

  • Set 1: 50 x 5
  • Set 2: 45 x 5
Considering how heavy 50 felt, I'm surprised that I actually managed to get up 80 during CFT a few weeks ago.

No cash out or cool down, just stretching and then doing some of the warmup with the 8:30 class. Only 2 ladies this AM.

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